Personal cards - Contact Us

If you would like us to contact you about Personal Cards, please complete the following details and click 'Send'.

Buy it Now Coming Soon!

We are currently working on an online card maker that will let you buy Personal cards through our website. Until then, please get in touch by using the form above and we will contact you as soon as possible.


Frequently Asked Questions

If I send a photo in the post will I receive it back?
Yes, it will be returned to you in the condition it was received. Our print process does not harm the photograph.

Can I email you a picture?
Yes, we can use almost all picture formats.

How long before I get my card?
Approx. 5-10 days from receipt of your request.

Is there any restriction on what is put on the card?
No, although we reserve the right to not print if we find the content distasteful or offensive.

Are all photos/pictures suitable?
No, to get the best results the picture should be rectangular, try to avoid pictures with heavy shadow or very bright sunlight.

Will I get an exact copy of my picture on the card?
In most cases, Yes, but because of the process used, some cropping of the original image may be necessary. You might also see slight colour variation.

What if I am not happy with the end result?
We will try and resolve all issues that arise. If, despite all attempts you are still not happy, return the card to us and we will refund your money.